Continuing Education Seminars

Information about Dr. John Mennell

Joint dysfunction is a common issue that can cause pain, discomfort, and limited mobility in the affected area. One model for understanding and treating joint dysfunction is the model developed by Dr. John Mennell. Dr. Mennell, a medical doctor and specialist in the field of musculoskeletal medicine, created this model to provide a comprehensive approach to identifying and addressing the underlying causes of joint dysfunction.

The Mennell model focuses on the interplay between structural, biomechanical, and neural factors that contribute to joint dysfunction. It emphasizes the importance of thoroughly assessing and addressing each of these factors in order to achieve optimal outcomes for patients. Structural factors, such as joint mobility and muscle imbalances, are evaluated through physical examination and imaging studies. Biomechanical factors, including muscle strength, flexibility, and coordination, are assessed through functional testing. Neural factors, including pain and the nervous system's role in movement, are evaluated through examination of reflexes, sensation and motor control.

The Mennell model also incorporates the use of manual therapy techniques, such as joint mobilization and soft tissue mobilization, to address structural and biomechanical issues. Additionally, the model includes a focus on patient education and rehabilitation exercises to address neural factors and promote self-management. One key aspect of the Mennell model is that it encourages the use of multiple treatment modalities, such as manual therapy, exercise and education, rather than relying on a single approach. This holistic approach allows for a more comprehensive and effective treatment plan for patients with joint dysfunction.

Dr. John Mennell's joint dysfunction model provides a comprehensive and effective approach for the treatment of joint dysfunction. By addressing structural, biomechanical, and neural factors, this model can help patients achieve optimal outcomes and improve their quality of life. Dr. Mennell passed away 1992 at the age of 76 years old.